Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ocular Fixation

My latest crafting endeavor was inspired by a post I saw on making eyes with glass pieces. Found here! I've been using eyes with the rings I make, but I purchased those separately as individual pieces. I honestly never thought to attempt making my own, but after reading through that post I figured it was worth a try. Only I had to use resin, because a glass piece would be too big for what I wanted them for: a bracelet!

This is what my little work space has looked like for the past couple weeks. There's always a period of trial and error when I try to recreate something I've made for myself, to sell to someone else. I had such great feedback with my bracelet I figured it wouldn't hurt to put a few up in my shop. This part is really frustrating, because for every couple pair of good eyes that I make, there's always a couple duds right behind them. It makes the process a lot longer than I would like it to be.

A good set of eyes!

...and the duds :/ I've retraced my steps while trying to recreate the first flawless set I made, but it seems that there's always a few from each batch that will get thrown out.

Some of these have too many random bubbles for my liking. I'll probably keep them and use them on a later project.

This is how they SHOULD look and WILL look when I add them to my shop.

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